Posted on: December 24, 2020

One of the hardest things in the world to do is to plant a church. Especially in 2020. The pandemic has made financial sustainability, community engagement, church attendance, and positive mental health harder for every church planter.

It’s a significant feat that we have lost 0 of our church plants in one of the hardest years of our generation. SENT Network has even continued advancing its mission during the pandemic with 22 active church plants making disciples, 4 pastors currently preparing to spearhead a new church, and 5 more pastors being assessed by us to start new churches through our network. Because of your generous support, SENT has been able to reflect the missional mindset of Christ that we are celebrating this Christmas. A Savior who, at great cost to Himself, left the comfort of heaven to come rescue us.

May our network and our lives continue to reflect the heart of Christ in 2021.
Merry Christmas!

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