Our Vision

Multiplying Disciples & Churches

That’s what TIMES12 envisions. Why multiplication? Because the need is great, and multiplication was God’s idea. To read more about how we frame and describe our vision, see Our Vision.

  • "TIMES12’s customized equipping developed me into a better church planter. I’m indebted to their intentionality in helping me grow into the best church planter possible."

    Adam Muhtaseb
    Lead Planter/Pastor
    Redemption City Church
  • "TIMES12 is highly skilled at equipping church planters to be effective in their context. Every planter receives customized training to help the planter develop the skills and confidence they need as they launch their plant."

    Michael Willis
    Color Nine Group
  • "TIMES12 gives me as a planter and our church as a body customized equipping and care I haven’t found in any other network. The leaders are humble and experienced and emphasize Christ in everything the network does. TIMES12 also emphasizes things often neglected among pastors and churches ensuring the pastor is spiritually and emotionally healthy."

    Steve Reed
    Lead Planter/Pastor
    Doxology Church