It is still spreading. Yes, the coronavirus continues to spread, but it’s not all that’s spreading. Jorge Solorzano recently had a fantastic opportunity to spread the good news despite bad news. Jorge is the lead planting pastor of Axis Church, a multi-ethnic church here in Annapolis, planted with SENT Network. Axis Church members, Robert and Candhy, learned that several of Candhy‘s family members back in Peru had recently contracted COVID 19. When Susan, a health care professional who attends Axis heard of this, she volunteered to call and talk with Candhy‘s family in Peru to offer medical advice about coping with the virus. Jorge volunteered to help translate during the call to Candhy’s Spanish-speaking family.
During the call, Susan offered helpful medical information, but it was clear that Candhy’s family was experiencing considerable anxiety about their condition. As Susan was wrapping up her useful medical advice, Jorge said he would like to stop translating and speak directly to the family himself. He compassionately shared the gospel of grace, explaining that the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ for us offers real hope. Jorge explained that salvation is by grace through faith in Jesus, not our good works. Candhy’s mom, and two sisters in their early twenties, responded to the good news and trusted in Jesus Christ during the call. Days later, Jorge received a call from Peru. It was Candhy’s father, who had not been home during the original phone conversation. Jorge’s initial thought was, “oh no, a call from the head of the household who is upset with me for what I shared with his wife and daughters.” That was not the case. Instead, Candhy’s father expressed his interest in hearing what Jorge had told his wife and daughters because he had seen such a dramatic peace settle into their hearts and lives. Jorge shared the gospel of grace, and Candhy’s father confessed that he had never heard this message of salvation by grace. Candhy’s father then gave his life to Jesus Christ while on the call with Jorge. What a beautiful example of God using both a medical professional and a pastor to draw people to Jesus. Like Jorge and Susan, let’s remember to spread the love of Jesus and the gospel because these are never quarantined.
Thank you for your generous financial support through SENT Network. We are thrilled to be able to partner with church planters who are spreading the gospel locally, regionally, and globally.
With gratitude,
Mark McGeever
Executive Director | Equipper
SENT Network