Christmas reminds us that our God is a sending God! SENT Network equips and sends. That is, we partner with existing churches to strengthen and send church planters into neighborhoods, subcultures, and cities with the good news of Jesus, much like the Antioch church did (Acts 13:1-4).
Christmas is time for us to pause and remember why we are all about sending. Certainly because of the great need of people. But that’s not all. Sending is rooted in God’s very nature. In love, God the Father sent his Son. The Father and Son sent us the empowering presence of the Holy Spirit. God sends! We go because God not only sent the Son and the Spirit, he also sends us. Jesus sent us to “make disciples,” saying “As the Father has sent me, even so I am sending you.” (Matthew 28:18-20; John 20:21). At Christmas, we remember that sending and going mirrors God’s nature.
Take a moment this Christmas to thank God for the people he has sent into your life to introduce you to Jesus or to help you grow in him. As you are praying and thanking him, listen too. If you listen, you just might hear God sending you to love a neighbor, friend, family member, co-worker, or a person in need.
Merry Christmas from the McGeever family, as we all celebrate God for sending his Son!
For the gospel, Mark McGeever
Executive Director | Equipper SENT Network www.sentnetwork.org