SENT Network church plants seek to reach all types of people in various subcultures in their cities and neighborhoods. Downtown Hope has been a good example of this. Downtown Hope recently partnered with the C.S. Lewis Institute in Annapolis to bring the good news to intellectuals and people grappling with hard questions about faith. A team from Downtown Hope transformed a local bookstore/coffee shop into a venue for an open forum to help their friends who don’t know Jesus receive thoughtful answers to their genuine questions. It was a wonderful time for some thirty folks to start the night enjoying jazz music from a local artist, followed by an extended time to ask their questions of Ken Boa — author, teacher, and Christian apologist.
Just like Downtown Hope took the initiative to love their friends in the city, let’s initiate and find ways to love those around us everyday at work, play, and in our neighborhoods!
Thank you for partnering with us in SENT as we encourage one another to pursue our commitment to “reach people contextually.”
For the gospel,
Mark McGeever
Executive Director | Equipper SENT Network www.sentnetwork.org