Posted on: March 19, 2019

Adam Muhtaseb, lead planter of Redemption City Church in Baltimore, expressed how impactful SENT’s customized approach to equipping leaders has been for him. He shared, “SENT Network has been instrumental in the growth and health of our church plant. SENT has repeatedly saved us from the mistakes, heartbreaks, and pitfalls that so often happen along the planting journey. Specifically, SENT’s Head, Heart, and Hands framework for developing leaders has helped our pastors more adequately develop and assess future leaders. So often leaders are appointed and trained, based on what they know, but SENT pointed us to the Scripture’s emphasis on leaders not just knowing the right things, but living the right way, and having the right affections. That leadership framework has enabled us to properly evaluate our pastoral team and staff. We praise God for how He is using the SENT Network to serve church planters and to reach the world with the gospel.”

Adam’s story is one of many that attests to how God is using SENT in their mission of “customized equipping of leaders for contextualized planting of churches.”

Thank you for standing with us as we equip church planters!

For the gospel,
Mark McGeever

Executive Director | Equipper
SENT Network

Adam preaching at Redemption City