Posted on: December 19, 2018

Steve Reed is spearheading a new church plant by first starting a campus in Clarendon with his sending church – Portico Church Arlington. We in SENT Network are excited to partner with Portico and Steve as he equips church members to reach their friends where they live and work.

Their mission is bearing fruit and they recently celebrated new life in Christ during a baptism service. Kyle was one of those baptized. Kyle said that before he met Jesus he solely lived for the approval of others, always wondering if he was good enough. He thought that Christians were judgemental people who didn’t follow the teachings of their founder. Then at work, he met Luke, one of Portico’s members. Shortly after Kyle learned that Luke was a Christian, he was surprised and intrigued to find that Luke was compassionate and generous, while at the same time confident and winsome publicly about his faith in Christ. Kyle was then influenced by Luke’s gospel fluency and ability to integrate his beliefs into his everyday rhythms of life. As Kyle got to know Luke better, Luke shared more about Jesus with him which lead to Kyle reading the entire Bible cover to cover. Through this reading and conversations with Luke, Kyle came to trust Jesus as his Lord and Savior. He learned that salvation is found, not by earning it, but completely by grace through faith in Christ. He also grasped that through Jesus he can have absolute assurance of his significance and value. Kyle’s now a part of the church body in Clarendon.

Praise God for Steve’s heart and ability to equip church members for outreach to people far from God. May we all be more like Luke in having gospel conversations where we live, work, and play!

Thank you for your generous giving to SENT Network that allows us to partner with churches and leaders to advance God’s kingdom through church planting.

For the gospel,

Mark McGeever

Executive Director | Equipper
SENT Network

Kyle’s Baptism