We are praying about expanding SENT Network beyond our region and into New England. I recently traveled to meet with eleven pastors around Boston, MA and New Haven, CT. My goal? I was seeking to explore future partnerships to plant churches in a region with much need for the gospel. I was greatly encouraged to hear of each pastor’s heart for planting and their willingness to share their perspective on planting in their region. I rejoice in how God is working through their churches to impact people for Jesus.
SENT’s Board and Leadership Team will be praying and seeking to discern how to best partner in New England with some of these new friends and others we know. We long to see God’s kingdom expand in neighborhoods, subcultures, and cities through gospel-centered churches that make disciples of Jesus and multiply. Please pray for us that we will have Spirit empowered faith and wisdom to discern God’s will and timing.
Thank you for giving so we are able to equip church planters to spread the gospel in our region and beyond!
In his grace,
Mark McGeever
Executive Director | Equipper
SENT Network