Posted on: May 24, 2016

 Endalk & Betty


Dear friends,

We are super excited to partner with Endalk and Betty Ayo as they plant our first ethnic church with SENT Network! They are currently preparing to start a gospel-centered church among the extremely large ethnic group of Amharic-speaking Ethiopians in the greater D.C. area. Betty is well known as a singer and worship leader among this population group. Endalk is a proven church planter, beloved pastor, and sought after conference speaker among Ethiopians both here in the U.S. and in his own country. We are walking with them as they relocate to the Silver Spring, MD area to build a core team, share the love of Jesus, and plant the Four Corners Ethiopian Church. Read more about their vision here: Four Corners Vision Booklet.

We’re also moving out on mission to Ethiopians globally as well as in the D.C. area. Endalk, Matt Klingler, Eric So, and I will travel to Addis Ababa at the end of this month to teach at a conference for Ethiopian pastors. In addition to the conference, we will be building relationships with strategic partners to discern how our SENT Network churches can collaborate to advance God’s kingdom there in the future. We are seeking to rely on God’s Spirit to use us while we are there as open opportunities for the future.

Please pray for SENT Network as we equip leaders to plant and multiply gospel-centered churches locally, regionally, and globally.

Thank you so much for your encouragement and generous giving!

For the gospel,
Mark McGeever

Executive Director | Equipper
SENT Network