“I’ve always had a church planting heartbeat,” pastor Wes White stated on a sunny February afternoon, explaining that he has helped churches plant new churches over nearly three decades, and planted one himself in Spain. Now, the Lord is leading Wes to partner with TIMES12 to plant a new gospel-centered church in the mission field of Williamsburg, Virginia.
After 28 years of serving in ministry among various established churches and church plants both across the U.S. and abroad, Wes has gained a unique perspective on establishing local churches. His model for planting Mission Point Church in Williamsburg is one of multiplying small Missional Communities that connect for shared worship, teaching and outreach.
“We see ourselves as a gathering of Missional Communities (MC),” Wes explained. “We want to see MCs from Richmond to Virginia Beach in every neighborhood. Then, we’ll come together as one larger gathering.”
Mission Point’s core team has been meeting for the last year in Missional Communities, some of which are led by Wes’ own four kids. “My family is great – they’re all in,” Wes shared, adding that his wife is highly gifted and his partner in ministry. “We’ve always felt called to ministry as a team. Growing up on the mission field, my kids have a heartbeat for the local church.”
When Wes felt the call to plant a new church, he knew he didn’t want to do it alone. He sought the partnership of a church planting network. He asked a friend who was part of a church plant in Baltimore, if you had to choose one network to work with, which one would it be? His friend didn’t hesitate. TIMES12, he told Wes.
Now he’s part of the Hampton Roads Hub of TIMES12. Wes is grateful for the many resources TIMES12 has offered along his church planting journey. But he is most thankful for the ongoing fellowship with other area planters. “In that sense, TIMES12 has really been a lifeline. To have a monthly meeting of guys who are going through similar things has been great,” Wes shared.
TIMES12’s core value of multiplication has helped shape the DNA for Williamsburg’s newest church. “At Mission Point Church we want to multiply disciples, multiply Missional Communities, and multiply churches,” Wes said. “We’re imperfect people trying to do work for a perfect King.”
The generosity of TIMES12’s financial supporters enables planters like Wes to take new ground for the Kingdom by reaching the unreached for Jesus. Please join us in praying that many lives would be changed for eternity in Virginia and for Mission Point’s launch of their public gathering on Sunday, March 5.
Members of Mission Point Church in Williamsburg, VA, publicly declare their faith in Jesus through baptism in the James River.
Church planter Wes White’s own 18-year-old son leads Mission Point Church’s student Missional Community.