SENT Network doesn’t happen without your generous support.
Here’s why some of our church planters are thankful for SENT Network:
“I’m thankful for SENT Network’s prayerful support of church planters and their intentional focus on coaching church pastors in mission.”
– Ben Palka, Kings Church, Washington D.C.
“I am thankful for SENT’s relentless pursuit to plant churches while maintaining a call to genuinely care for pastors. We are a network that desires healthy churches to be led by healthy leaders.”
– Danny Chung, Hill City Church, College Park, MD
“I’m thankful for the wealth of resources available for equipping people to do the work of ministry and to know that I have a team of leaders in my corner.”
– Aaron Dininny, OV Church, Norfolk, VA
“I’m thankful for our Executive Director, Mark McGeever, and his relentless pursuit to equip planters to lead churches in hard to reach places. Mark is constantly leveraging his life to pour into leaders like me so we can better serve the church.”
– Adam Muhtaseb, Redemption City Church, Baltimore, MD
“I am thankful for the brotherhood of like-minded leaders in the church and the tools provided to serve our churches in our contexts. But mostly, I am thankful for the coaching I receive that is always challenging and encouraging!”
– Kenneth Jones, Redeemer City Church, Washington D.C.
“I’m so thankful for how SENT keeps driving us back to Christ. He is our hope, joy, purpose and peace. SENT keeps reminding me of this, in the midst of a chaotic time that tries to convince me otherwise.”
– Matt Klingler, The Well Community Church, Silver Spring, MD
“I am thankful for being a part of a church planting network that focuses on making disciples.”
– Jorge Solorzano, Axis Church, Annapolis, MD
“I’m thankful for all of SENT’s giving partners who enable us to equip and resource gospel-centered church planters.”
– Mark McGeever, Executive Director, SENT Network