Posted on: December 17, 2019

The Christmas season brings many sweet fragrances into our homes. Fresh cut Christmas trees, candles, and spiced cider on the stove emit scents that delight our senses at this time of year. There is another type of fragrance Paul wrote about in Philippians 4:14-20. Giving, as an act of worship, is the sweet scent he referred to. Paul expressed his gratitude to the believers in Philippi for their financial partnership in his gospel-centered mission of planting churches. He described this giving to his mission as “a fragrant offering, a sacrifice acceptable and pleasing to God.” Their giving was not just a “one-off.” Paul described their financial partnership as ongoing when he wrote how they “…sent me help for my needs once and again.” Paul affirmed that giving to advance the gospel is an act of worship that brings delight to the heart of God.

In the same way, I want you to know how grateful we are for your giving to SENT’s mission of gospel-centered church planting. Thank you for your consistent generosity to us that is “a fragrant offering, a sacrifice acceptable and pleasing to God.”

With gratitude,
Mark McGeever

Executive Director | Equipper
SENT Network
