I’m really thrilled to welcome Tim Mull into SENT Network! Tim is a church planter filled with vision to plant a gospel-centered church in the Fells Point area of Baltimore. He is currently reaching out to people who don’t know Jesus, and he’s also raising up a core team to join him on mission in the city (see pic of Tim and some of his new core team in Fells Point). God has given Tim and his team favor with a couple of restaurant owners who are making their space available for free during off hours for Bible studies they are opening up to seekers. Two of their friends from the city just recently gave their life to Jesus Christ! Tim will begin connecting with other church planters from around the region in our monthly SENT Collectives for encouragement and equipping. Also, Joey Tomassoni (Lead Planter/Pastor of Downtown Hope) and I are excited to come alongside Tim personally as we coach him in these early days of preparing and planting their church they will call “Fells Family.” Speaking of family, please join us in praying for the Mull family as they seek to find housing so they can soon relocate into the Fells Point area.
Thanks for partnering with SENT Network as we equip planters to invite people into God’s family through faith in his Son!
For the gospel, Mark McGeever
Executive Director | Equipper SENT Network